16 Ott Luciano Caggianello: A Journey Through Conceptualism and Beyond
A Multi-Disciplinary Creative with a Rich Background
Luciano Caggianello is a multi-disciplinary creative with a broad range of experience in professional settings such as advertising, illustration, graphic design, and industrial and automotive design. He views himself as more than just an artist or designer, as his passion for art has allowed him to continually evolve his representative and visual themes, resulting in a comprehensive and rewarding national and international exhibition portfolio.
Luciano’s published works, including “Intermediario Immateriale” (2003), “Parole altrove” (2014), “Aporia e Metamorfosi dell’Arte” (2019), “Fenomenologia del Quotidiano” (2020), and “Pubblicità .jPig” (2021), written in Italian, serve as a valuable source of reflection and a means of furthering his personal conceptual and philosophical inquiry.
Luciano holds a strong academic background, with a Diploma in Applied Industrial Physics, degrees in Architecture and Design, as well as two Diplomas in the Conservation of Wooden and Stone Materials. He has enriched his education through attendance at the Academy of Fine Arts and various other workshops, courses, and encounters with individuals in creative fields.
Luciano Caggianello’s training has left a lasting impact on his mental approach, fostering within him an insatiable curiosity for a variety of subjects. Although he may not be considered a revolutionary, Luciano aims to challenge the prevalent models of communication inadequacy by resurrecting the concept of meaning and placing a focus on a functional approach to thought. His diverse background acts as a catalyst for creativity, serving as his “cultural peptide” that enables him to effectively synthesize a broad approach into a functional contribution of ideas and concepts.
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